Is the Metaverse Going to Merge with AI?

Being one of the biggest buzzwords on the internet, the Metaverse has grown on us, and almost everyone is interested in what the Metaverse has to offer. However, the technologies that power the Metaverse are what bring about the immersing experience we've never experienced before, at least not with the technologies available in Web2.0. One of these technologies is Artificial Intelligence. Let’s look at the effect of Artificial Intelligence on the Metaverse.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

In simple terms, Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is the ability of machines to process information in the same fashion as human intelligence. Specialized branches of AI include expert systems, speech recognition, natural language processing, and machine vision. AI is better suited to perform certain tasks – automation, analyzing large numbers, repetition – better than humans, and its effects have been seen to increase productivity with relatively few errors in companies that adopt this technology.

The use of Artificial Intelligence is so robust that almost every sector – financial, agriculture, entertainment, transportation, and software – rely on it for optimum efficiency and the best user experience. The Metaverse takes the use of AI a notch higher by utilizing its features to create a digital world with seemingly endless possibilities and the best immersive user experience the world is yet to have.

Effect of Artificial Intelligence on the Metaverse

In digital space like the Metaverse, where the use of advanced supercomputers will be used to bring about mind-blowing effects, the blockchain, together with virtual and augmented realities, has a significant role to play in actualizing such experience. Perhaps, one of the technologies that will ensure the scalability and automation of the Metaverse more than any other is Artificial Intelligence. Below is a list of what to expect when these two powerful concepts are merged:

1.   Language Processing

The Metaverse is designed to accommodate users all over the world speaking different languages. A man speaking Mandarin can communicate fluently with another speaking Queens English. How so? Well, thanks to AI, there’s something called Real-time translation, which works by recognizing the language of the sender, interpreting every word spoken and recognizing its meaning, and then translating it from the text format interpreted to an audio format in the same voice as the sender, before sending to the receiver. The best part? All of it happens in real-time!

2.   Creating digital humans (Denizens)

Just as we have waiters that attend to us in a restaurant, we have digital humans that make life easier for us in the Metaverse. Digital humans are 3-dimensional chatbots reacting and responding to our actions in a virtual reality environment. They can see, listen, and understand what we communicate to them and use body language and speech to engage in conversations with us humans. Digital humans in the Metaverse are pure products of Artificial Intelligence. Their application ranges from non-playing characters in video games to automated assistants in a VR world.

3.   Avatars

The thought of creating and designing yourself in a virtual world is perhaps one of the most interesting concepts of the Metaverse. Avatars allow users to explore their creativity- buy a designer Tee, make new hair, jewelry, and more- using their avatars. AI technology makes it possible to analyze user images in 2D to create the closest to perfect avatars ever done with any technology in the past.

4.   Data Processing

The backbone of AI and machine learning is data. The ability of a model to suggest new, similar outputs based on historical data fed to it is what makes Artificial Intelligence such a big deal. We see it every time whenever Google provides us with search suggestions. Our maps also make use of data processing in the form of global localization to understand our precise location.

The more models are able to ingest data and produce similar but better models, the fewer human interactions are needed in the Metaverse, which is essential for the scalability and continuous growth of the Metaverse.

Final thoughts

Ultimately, it is impossible to have a completely immersive experience of the Metaverse without AI. Companies like Meta (formerly Facebook) foresaw some of the challenges- authenticity and scalability issues- the Metaverse could suffer without this technology, and that is why they, alongside many other companies, are teaming up with technology professionals to make AI a seamless part of the Metaverse experience.

If you’re excited about the Metaverse, it would probably be smart to start acquiring digital assets for yourself. For a safe and reliable trading experience, register on IXFI and let Your Friendly Crypto Exchange take care of your crypto needs.

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