The Metaverse and Human Psychology

Will we adapt to this virtual way of existing?

Imagine your friend has invited you for her graduation in New York, and you are thousands of miles away. Since you do not want to disappoint her, you wear a unique pair of goggles, and there you are at the graduation. You can also imagine yourself owning chunks of virtual land, and plans to develop them are underway. Well, these scenarios are the biggest thing happening right now — the Metaverse.

Technophiles say that Metaverse is a digital place similar to the physical world.

It is a place where users immerse themselves in digital surroundings and do what is possible in the physical reality. A Metaverse is thus a place where people can connect, interact, work, play, and even transfer their belongings to multiple different locations.

Although the question of whether the Metaverse is already here or is something yet to come is controversial, the truth is that more and more companies continue to demonstrate their ambitions to become part of Metaverse evolution.

How Ready is the World to Adapt to the Metaverse?

Social media platforms enhance connectivity worldwide. Social networking platforms allow people to interact and share ideas, events, and activities. All of these platforms allow users to construct their own virtual social space. These aspects are not far from what Metaverse will do. Nevertheless, the Metaverse, like other social media platforms, gives the users the feeling that they are connecting more with distant people and events, whereas in an actual sense, they are alone in their own space.

Even more astounding is that the Metaverse may be able to create a person’s replica. Nonetheless, the biggest challenge with Metaverse will be people spending a lot of time in a utopia-like world. This may result in more addiction than there is with other social media platforms. Again, people may not be ready to deal with psychological problems such as low self-esteem when they compare themselves with the flawless, beautiful, and ideal version of themselves in the Metaverse world.

A Metaverse is an imaginary place where the only means of existing within this virtual environment will be an increase in delusion. Consequently, there is a likelihood of increased delusional thought disorders when people fail to distinguish between the virtual and the real world.

On a different view, the Metaverse will help deal with physiological disorders such as anxiety and depression. Already, doctors use virtual reality as a possible treatment for mental health disorders.

Virtual reality is used to create a controlled environment for patients to work on confronting various mental health disorders, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), eating disorders, and others. It is anticipated that the Metaverse will be able to do much more.

How then Will The World Sail Through the Metaverse?

Arguably, the world would miss on the most promising opportunities if it was to dismiss something of value based on a few rectifiable setbacks. Whether the world has caught up with the Metaverse already or is on a journey to this virtual world, people must learn to stay in the Metaverse and do it wisely and healthily. Essentially, the users will shoulder the heaviest burden of differentiating between the virtual and the real world. It will not be okay to allow a virtual world to affect people’s values, beliefs and behaviors.

When the Metaverse becomes a reality, the users should learn to be in it. Should this happen, the Metaverse will no longer be seen as a threat to human psychological and physiological wellbeing but an opportunity to enhance both. However, to achieve this goal, Metaverse’s developers must develop it ethically without getting carried away with what may only lead the users always to stay connected.

Excited about the future or terrified of the Metaverse’s impacts? Either way, check out more of our informative pieces on the Metaverse published on our blog. For a complete crypto trading experience, register on IXFI and trust Your Friendly Crypto Exchange to take care of all your needs, in one place.

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