IXFI Will list FLOKI ($FLOKI) on 05/05/2023

IXFI Listing FLOKI listing

Dear community,

We always listen to our customers’ needs and carefully review their requirements. Therefore, your messages are important and give us a clear perspective of what the people want, helping us make crucial decisions.

Following the news and events from the crypto world, we have decided to list FLOKI ($FLOKI) on 05/05/2023 at 18:00 UTC.

  • FLOKI ($FLOKI) will be available for trade on these spot markets:

What is FLOKI ($FLOKI)?

Initially a meme coin, FLOKI has now evolved to offer diverse products including an NFT-based game, NFT collections, and a cryptocurrency debit card. FLOKI functions as the utility token within this product ecosystem.



Please exercise adequate risk management when dealing with memecoins, as they are high-risk assets.

FLOKI is a new token that is subject to higher-than-usual risk, which can result in significant price volatility. Please exercise adequate risk management, conduct your own research on FLOKI’s fundamentals, and fully comprehend the project before trading this token.

Remember that cryptocurrency trading involves significant market risk. Please trade with caution, and IXFI cannot be held responsible for any trading losses.

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ixfi reserves the right to modify or cancel announcements and the actions taken without further notice.

Disclaimer: The information included in this announcement is not intended to be taken as investment advice, nor should it be considered an offer, solicitation, or recommendation of any financial product. This statement is intended only to inform the user and does not consider your unique requirements, investment goals, or particular monetary conditions.


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