IXFI lists Animecoin (ANIME) on spot markets

We’re pleased to announce that Animecoin (ANIME) is now available on IXFI exchange. Traders can access four spot trading pairs:





About Animecoin (ANIME)

Total supply: 10,000,000,000 ANIME

Circulating supply: 5,538,604,656 ANIME (55% of total supply)

Smart contract addresses:

Ethereum: 0x4DC26fC5854e7648a064a4ABD590bBE71724C277

Arbitrum: 0x37a645648dF29205C6261289983FB04ECD70b4B3

Thank you for choosing IXFI. We’re excited to bring you the newest projects in the crypto ecosystem and remain committed to providing a secure exchange for all our users. Enjoy trading ANIME on IXFI!

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