Click on any pair to start trading Voxies Today
Click on any pair to start trading Voxies Today
Pair | Last Price | 24h CHG | 24h High | 24h Low | 24h Volume | Market Cap | Action |
VOXEL / USDT | 0.1489 / $0.15
| +6.28% | 0.1508 | 0.1374 | 1.7M
| $30.8M |
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Binance, one of the world's leading crypto exchanges, today made a significant announcement on Voxies (VOXEL), the native utility token of Voxie Tactics. As per an official release, the crypto exchange is now launching futures trading for the token.
Coinbase recently issued a public announcement on the addition of a new token into the listing plan for their cryptocurrency exchange. This particular Coinbase news comes as a direct result of the exchange's primary mission, which is to serve as a connection to Web3.