Syscoin (SYS) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014. Users are able to generate SYS through the process of mining. Syscoin has a current supply of 803,764,544.053935. The last known price of Syscoin is 0.09818471 USD and is up 4.73 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 86 active market(s) with $2,056,333.95 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
Pair | Last Price | 24h CHG | 24h High | 24h Low | 24h Volume | Market Cap | Action |
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Cryptocurrencies rose on Tuesday as traders started moving back to the market. Bitcoin, which sets the tone in the crypto industry rose to a high of $61,453, its highest point since August 14 and 24% above its lowest point this year. This recovery means that Bitcoin has moved into a local bull market.
After trading under a bearish sentiment for a brief period, the cryptocurrency market has recorded a bullish recovery over the past day. Moreover, the market is currently valued at $2.11 Trillion with a 24-hour jump of 1.48%. Following this, mid-cap and low-cap altcoins have gained attention from the crypto space.
Syscoin, one of the oldest blockchain platforms in the world, has been accused of an ongoing conspiracy to manipulate the SYS token supply and allegedly defraud investors through Syscoin Foundation. The project, which started in 2014, said it wanted to combine the best features of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Story Highlights The live price of SYS token is Syscoin price might hit a maximum of $0.29 by the end of 2024. SYS token with a potential surge could go as high as $1.26 by the end of 2030. Over the past year, the cryptocurrency market has experienced remarkable growth.