JUST (JST) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2020and operates on the Tron20 platform. JUST has a current supply of 9,900,000,000. The last known price of JUST is 0.03822164 USD and is up 1.92 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 156 active market(s) with $62,627,222.73 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://just.network/#/.
Pair | Last Price | 24h CHG | 24h High | 24h Low | 24h Volume | Market Cap | Action |
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Story Highlights The live price of the JST crypto is . The Just price could reach a maximum of $0.0656 by 2024. This altcoin could reach a high of $0.23 by 2030. The crypto-verse homes a plethora of initiatives that deploy innovative ideas to build transforming real-world solutions.
The Tron Network has recorded a sharp spike in its volume over the past few days, highlighting increased bullish sentiment for its ecosystem. Further, the TRX price has added over 27% in the past week. This indicates a positive outlook for it in the coming time.
Story Highlights The live price of the JST crypto is . The Just price could reach a maximum of $0.0656 by 2024. This altcoin could reach a high of $0.23 by 2030. The crypto-verse homes a plethora of initiatives that deploy innovative ideas to build transforming real-world solutions.
The native altcoin for a decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem built on the Tron (TRX) blockchain surged by over 22% in one day amid the rollout of new mining rewards. The governance token for the DeFi platform JUST (JST) is trading around $0.0275 at time of writing, up from around $0.0225 one day ago.