Flow (FLOW) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2021. Flow has a current supply of 1,557,855,805.1502319. The last known price of Flow is 0.7183021 USD and is up 1.78 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 223 active market(s) with $60,017,492.17 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://flow.com.
Pair | Last Price | 24h CHG | 24h High | 24h Low | 24h Volume | Market Cap | Action |
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Are you trying to figure out which altcoins could make a difference in your portfolio this week? The crypto market is packed with opportunities, but knowing where to look is key. With innovation driving fresh projects forward, there's always something worth considering if you want to make smart investment choices.
Story Highlights The live price of the Flow token is . This altcoin could surge to a maximum of $1.85 by 2025. FLOW with a potential surge could go as high as $5.63 by 2030. Rising altcoins are making a new bull wave in the crypto market, marking new surges in specific altcoins daily.
Flow (FLOW) has attracted significant attention within the blockchain community due to its focus on decentralized applications (d Apps) and NFTs. As the backbone of successful projects like NBA Top Shot, Flow has built a reputation as a promising platform for high-performance applications.
Flow coin (FLOW), the native cryptocurrency of the Flow blockchain developed by Dapper Labs, serves as a vital element in powering decentralized applications (dApps) and digital assets. With a current trading price of approximately $0.543 and a market capitalization of about $788.7 million, FLOW has shown considerable volatility recently, fluctuating between $0.5314 and $0.543.
Story Highlights The live price of the Flow token is . This altcoin could surge to a maximum of $1.16 in 2024. FLOW with a potential surge could go as high as $5.63 by 2030. Rising altcoins are making a new bull wave in the crypto market, marking new surges in specific altcoins daily.